Saturday, August 1, 2009


So the new top 50 list is out on Biblioblog and Church Discipline debuted at #19. Biblioblog shows the breadth.
In terms of semi/regular posters:
The Church of Jesus Christ, Polycarp (Joel Watts) #2
He Is Sufficient, ElShaddai Edwards #14 (up from 50)
Ancient Hebrew Poetry, John Hobbins #16
New Leaven, T.C. Robinson #21 (up from 40)
Suzanne’s Bookshelf, Suzanne McCarthy (breaking into top 50 from 59)

Congrads to everyone!


J. L. Watts said...

Thank you, kind sir, and to congrats to you for making a very strong entry.

tcrob said...

CD, thanks for the mention. And congrats too!

CD-Host said...

You are both welcome!