Very interesting results. For Americans here are the reasons that they dropped out of church (long term):
I found other interests and activities that led me to spend less and less time on church-related activities. | 39% | 35% |
I moved to a different community and never got involved in a new church. | 25% | 30% |
I had specific problems with or objections to the church, its teachings, or its members. | 35% | 24% |
My work schedule. | 17% | 21% |
When I grew up and I started making decision on my own, I stopped going to church. | 41% | 19% |
The church was no longer a help to me in finding the meaning and purpose of my life. | 25% | 15% |
I felt my life-style was no longer compatible with participation in a church. | 25% | 12% |
Because of poor health. | 4% | 11% |
Another reason. | 5% | 10% |
I don�t know or no answer. | 4% | 6% |
I became divorced or separated. | 7% | 4% |
TOTAL (multiple responses) | 227% | 187% |
*Table ranked by Protestant Responses
� Deception (43%)
� Try something new (11.7%)
� To follow the Truth (11.2%)
� Because they experienced the Holy Spirit in their lives (8.9%)
� Learned to study the Bible (3.3%)
� Their previous religion was corrupt (3.3%)
� Attracted to a new form of worship (2.8%)
� For convenience (1.9%)
� The old religion was too strict (1.9%)
� The old religion was too materialistic (0.9%).
This data is from Prolades (acronym is in Spanish translated it is "he Latin American Socio-Religious Studies Program"). Original data.
Deception (43%)
Hmm...I wonder what indicators and reasons are involved with this deception factor?
They believe the church has lied to them. About history, about the bible, about social relationships.... The Catholic church in Latin America is being subjected to an attack by Pentecostals, essentially Latin America is going through the Reformation.
Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is spam or dialogue. In general this is an English language blog. Could you at least include some English text indicating topic.... so I know what is going on.
OK this is real dialogue I'm sorry but I have no idea whether this is spam or dialogue. I'm going to start deleting.
I just received notice that this Japanese text is just porno spam. I'm deleting it all.
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