Friday, February 23, 2007

Official Documents

If your church has a book of order or book of discipline read it cover to cover with regards to your case. If it doesn't try a selection of related ones

Code of Canon Law The core code in the catholic church
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)

Presbyterians will always have one. They provide a good model for other evangelicals:

ARPC BOD Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
BPC BOD Bible Presbyterian Church
OPC BOD Orthodox Presbyterian Chrch
EPC BOD Evangelical Presbyterian Church
PC(USA) BOE Presbyterian Church USA
PCA BOD Presbyterian Church in America
APC BOD APC FOM American Presbyterian Church
RPCNA Constitution Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
CANRC BOE Canadian and American Reformed Church
CREC Constitution of Membership Christ Reformed Evangelical Church (Doug Wilson, et al)
CCRNA BOE Christian Reformed Church
UCC CON United Church of Christ Constitution, also Testimonies of Faith
FMC BOD Free Methodist Church
ELCA bylaws, continuing resolutions and model constitution Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Seventh Day Adventist SDA Chruch Manual Official Statements Guidelines
Mormon: Church Handbook of Instructions
Christadelphian Ecclesial Guide


Anonymous said...

Here's another Book of Discipline, this one for the RPCNA. It is located in pp. 215 - 232 of the following link:

CD-Host said...

Added. Thank you for the link.