Monday, August 31, 2009
Coolest intelligent design protest of the year
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Baptize young, before leaving the house
Oh, a lot of things. I mean, spiritually, people’s affluence, people wanting to be served, consumers moving to urban areas where churches are close enough to where they compete for members, pastors not being taught this. I’m sure any real abuses that happen, and, of course, there were, anytime sinners like you and me are involved, any time abuses happen in church discipline, I’m sure those were repeated endlessly. And so I’m sure those stories would have been used against practicing it at all, because to practice it at all would have been in some way to have been involved in some kind of abuse of it. Now, I’m sure it’s just a combination of things like that. Also I think the theology changed and churches became more and more man-centered. I think people more and more misunderstood what it really meant to be converted. I think our evangelistic practices watered down the gospel. I think we started taking responses very quickly. We started baptizing people at a much younger age.
You know, I’ve been reading a lot of Baptist biographies in the last couple of years and noting baptismal ages. And if you look at all the Baptist leaders in the nineteenth century, they were all baptized at 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21. It’s when they get out of the home, or they have their first job, that’s when they’re baptized. Baptists these days baptize children at 12, or at even 8, or younger. It’s very hard. I mean, I’ve got kids. It’s hard to look at the kids who are pretty obedient, love their parents, and want to have the approval of their parents, it’s hard to know whether or not they’re really born again. I mean, of course they’re being sincere when they tell you something, but people can be sincere and be wrong, and I think we’ve just lost a lot of that subtlety of judgment. It’s not been encouraged among the pastors in our churches.
Friday, August 21, 2009
UBS process, ecumenicalism at its best
But more than this I’ve argued that this process is a model for ecumenicalism that actually worked and continues to work. I’m not sure why people who are interested in ecumenicalism don’t pay more attention to an area where the goals were achieved, full Christian unity. Think about that for a second, at least in one example humanity was are able to publish unified collection of books on an important topic which is authoritative to all Christiandom! We don’t have this breadth of consensus on the creeds.
- A scholar makes a proposal about a verse based on manuscript evidence.
- If that proposal gains wide acceptance as a variant in the academic community it will become a textnote in the UBS. For a new one that probably be around the NA29, but this is one going back a long time.
- Some translators will start to incorporate it, generally as a possible variant which will draw larger debate and discussion.
- If that proposal continues to draw a consensus it will become the default reading in the Greek.
- At that point essentially all translations will attach a note similar to the one for 1John 5:7-8 that you see in Protestant bibles. This creates awareness of the issue and builds consensus among the whole community.
- Some translations will start to move the older variant to an appendix which will again widen the debate. If there are strong objections the process may stop here.
- Most translations will move the older variant to an appendix
- Some translations will start to drop the appendix.
- The older variant will be dropped entirely across the board.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yale University Press cowardice
We do not negotiate with terrorists. We just accede to their anticipated demands.” That is effectively the new policy position at Yale University Press, which has eliminated all visual depictions of the Prophet Muhammad from Jytte Klausen’s new book The Cartoons That Shook the World.
- Yale Press Bans Images of Muhammad in New Book (NYTimes)
- Yale Surrenders (Slate)
- Article in Telegraph
- Blog post on the Angry Arab (which also thinks Yale is being ridiculous)
- Investigation by Pajamas TV
- Martin Kramer editorial
- Everyone Draw Muhammad Day (added later)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Covenant Eyes and consent
- Accessibility
- Affordability
- Anonymity
- That this software is voluntary, both in installation and continuing use.
- They offer a simple uninstall process (it does notify the accountability partner)
- They offer tech support in case the system causes trouble
- The system doesn't capture information like passwords and bank accounts
- an employee and a thief
- boxing and assault
- sex and rape
- No specialized hardware (example TPM chip)
- No hard drive encryption and a standard boot sequence
- An operating system that has to be able to run mainstream applications
- Parents installing it on college age children's computers
- Wives installing it on their husband's computers
- Employers installing it on employee's computers
I’ve also had pretty much all I can take of people reducing Christian morality to sexual abstinence, meanwhile ignoring the things that Jesus mentioned quite explicitly (sorry if that word causes anyone to stumble ;-) - judgementalism, bigotry, religious hypocrisy, materialism… why isn’t there the same market for some kind of software that can filter these out of our churches?
The problem is finding a way forward. Any pattern of thinking learned over time is not easily reshaped, particularly if deeply ingrained and etched with connotations of guilt and damnation – and even more so if it involves something as primal as sex. For those of us who want to define ourselves as “Christian” this poses a special challenge – what of our thinking about the subject is ours, as opposed to merely the manipulative accretions of both our churches, and those parts of society in opposition to the churches. Clearly much of the current dogma produces only hypocrisy, guilt and depression (among other problems) – the struggle is to find new and more empowering understandings.
I also have grave concerns about any relationship based upon one partner receiving a daily report of the other’s online activities. If it works for them….. ok (I guess), but to me it seems a less than optimal basis for and enduring and trusting relationship. As for having her watch it with him – I’m quite sure many men wished their partner shared their interest (and if she did I suspect the husband’s obsession would quite often fade as it ceased to be a captivating “secret” relationship) – but many women raised within conservative Christianity (and elsewhere) find the concept of porn as abhorrent as their partners find it fascinating. Forcing her to participate would be tantamount to abuse, and observing her partner’s interest in something she finds so distasteful would be extremely distressing. It’s this broader lack of communication that makes developing a response from within the religious context that many of us come from so difficult. As I think I said to you before – a lot of us from a religious background have very poor listening skills
I believe that if one man were to live out his life fully and completely, were to give form to every feeling, expression to every thought, reality to every dream--I believe that the world would gain such a fresh impulse of joy that we would forget all the maladies of mediaevalism, and return to the Hellenic ideal--to something finer, richer than the Hellenic ideal, it may be. But the bravest man amongst us is afraid of himself. The mutilation of the savage has its tragic survival in the self-denial that mars our lives. We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification. Nothing remains then but the recollection of a pleasure, or the luxury of a regret. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has been said that the great events of the world take place in the brain. It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also. (Lord Henry from The Picture of Dorian Gray)
- Do you think institutions forcing people to use monitoring software is acceptable? What about churches towards employees?
- What about the father towards children or wives towards husbands?
- Is there some suggestion about a workaround?
- How Kosher Was Khomeini?: The Case Against Religious Coercion
- Entry on McAfee
- A 411-spyware discussion on removal (still vague)
- No porn support community
- Net responsibility, an open source accountability package using a daemon approach written in Ruby, if you want to understand how one of these works.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Americans vs. Latins on why they changes churches
Very interesting results. For Americans here are the reasons that they dropped out of church (long term):
I found other interests and activities that led me to spend less and less time on church-related activities. | 39% | 35% |
I moved to a different community and never got involved in a new church. | 25% | 30% |
I had specific problems with or objections to the church, its teachings, or its members. | 35% | 24% |
My work schedule. | 17% | 21% |
When I grew up and I started making decision on my own, I stopped going to church. | 41% | 19% |
The church was no longer a help to me in finding the meaning and purpose of my life. | 25% | 15% |
I felt my life-style was no longer compatible with participation in a church. | 25% | 12% |
Because of poor health. | 4% | 11% |
Another reason. | 5% | 10% |
I don�t know or no answer. | 4% | 6% |
I became divorced or separated. | 7% | 4% |
TOTAL (multiple responses) | 227% | 187% |
*Table ranked by Protestant Responses
� Deception (43%)
� Try something new (11.7%)
� To follow the Truth (11.2%)
� Because they experienced the Holy Spirit in their lives (8.9%)
� Learned to study the Bible (3.3%)
� Their previous religion was corrupt (3.3%)
� Attracted to a new form of worship (2.8%)
� For convenience (1.9%)
� The old religion was too strict (1.9%)
� The old religion was too materialistic (0.9%).
This data is from Prolades (acronym is in Spanish translated it is "he Latin American Socio-Religious Studies Program"). Original data.
Monday, August 10, 2009
So I'm a Quaker
(100%) 1: Anabaptist (Mennonite/Quaker etc.) |
(86%) 2: Baptist (non-Calvinistic)/Plymouth Brethren/Fundamentalist |
(81%) 3: Pentecostal/Charismatic/Assemblies of God |
(66%) 4: Methodist/Wesleyan/Nazarene |
(60%) 5: Seventh-Day Adventist |
(56%) 6: Church of Christ/Campbellite |
(45%) 7: Baptist (Reformed/Particular/Calvinistic) |
(40%) 8: Lutheran |
(33%) 9: Anglican/Episcopal/Church of England |
(33%) 10: Congregational/United Church of Christ |
(31%) 11: Eastern Orthodox |
(20%) 12: Roman Catholic |
(12%) 13: Presbyterian/Reformed |
So tell me how you all scored:
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Pet Shop Boys, Its a Sin
and the new version by famish:
Here are the lyrics:
"It's A Sin"
(Twenty seconds and counting...It is fascinating the particular choices of imagery. The original goes with a monastic theme with very obvious almost kitschy sorts of representation of sin. The new version simply presents a modern dance (most of the moves are yoga based) with a stark image of Catholicism. The lyrics themselves are about the impossibility of internal righteousness outwardly. In reality the lyrics are about the issue of homosexuality and how it pervades ones life and causes everything to become "sinful", the lyrics exaggerate to make a point about internal guilt.
T minus fifteen seconds, guidance is okay)
When I look back upon my life
It's always with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to
It's a sin
At school they taught me how to be
So pure in thought and word and deed
They didn't quite succeed
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to
It's a sin
Father, forgive me, I tried not to do it
Turned over a new leaf, then tore right through it
Whatever you taught me, I didn't believe it
Father, you fought me, 'cause I didn't care
And I still don't understand
So I look back upon my life
Forever with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin
(Confiteor Deo omnipotenti vobis fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
verbo, opere et omissione, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa)
[trans. "I confess to almighty god,
and to you my brothers,
that I have sinned exceedingly
in thought, word, act and omission,
through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault"]
Friday, August 7, 2009
10 questions on the hypostatic union
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Keith Drury on Abortion
Do Evangelicals really believe a fetus is life?
Just about every evangelical I’ve ever met tells me they are absolutely opposed to abortion. Almost every one of them believes that life begins at conception (a few say in 2-3 days at that cell division). My evangelical friends seem absolutely sure that abortion is murdering a person. And I agree with them on these points.
The trouble with the evangelical church however we teach our people the opposite. We teach by our actions and rituals that the fetus may be “sacred” but is not a “real” life. This contradiction between what we say and what we do will eventually erode our commitment to being anti-abortion. When a church pronounces one thing with their mouths but practices something else in ritual and actions the kids see it and know they aren’t serious about their stated beliefs—“What we do speaks louder than what we say.”
So, how does the church communicate in ritual and actions that the fetus is less-than-full-life? I could list a dozen but I’ll only give three and let you finish the list.
1. When a baby is born we place a rose up front and announce the birth from the pulpit. We do not put the rose there when the baby is conceived or when the mother knows she is pregnant. What does this ritual say every time we do it? The message is clear—it is at birth that something happens. Whatever the woman had inside her before birth was sacred—but it is not worth the rose celebration. Our roses-at-birth/breath quietly says “they were pregnant with a fetus but now they have a child.”
2. When a one-week old child dies we do not have a funeral, people take off work and few send sympathy cards. A miscarriage in the church is seldom treated like the death of a ‘real” child. Often even the cells are disposed of just about like the cells of an aborted fetus. Since as many as 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage, the church teaches regularly and systematically that these “miscarriages” (often not called “unborn children” in this case) aren’t as important as “real” children. (Please don’t argue it is too expensive for fetuses but we can afford it for [real?] children.)
3. We dedicate a child only when they are breathing and out of the womb. The child does not need to be a witness to the ritual of dedication but we wait until they are breathing to do it. Why? What does this say to our people? It announces that a breathing life is worth dedicating to God, “potential life” in the womb must wait. Why don’t we dedicate the life to God which we believe begins before the life breathes.
Evangelicals (and Catholics) are right on the issue of abortion. We’ve been busy fighting for the cause in the world and I applaud that. However while we’ve been out fighting the anti-abortion battle we’ve forgotten that we practice pro-choice behaviors in the church. We’ve been acting like a breathing life is more valuable in some way than fetus life—and this is exactly the position of the pro-choice folk. We talk pro-life and behave pro-choice. Which will our children adopt—our talk or our walk?
So what should a church do? I have an answer but I already know hardly any evangelical church will do it. Here it is: A church who believes a fetus is really the equivalent life as a breathing child should:
1. Have a meeting. It will only take an hour. But most of the regular church folk need to be there.
2. Make a list. Simply present the issue then brainstorm a list what we’d do differently if we acted like a fetus was of equivalent value to a breathing child. What would we stop doing? Start doing? What rituals would we relocate to another time slot? Ignore my list and make your own.
3. Vote on the ideas one by one. Decide what ones we’ll do as a church
4. Pick a starting date. Once you’ve decided on the actions that will communicate what we really believe then pick a date when we’ll implement the new actions and rituals “from that day forward.”
I already know few (if any) evangelicals will do this.
How do I know this? Because I wrote most all of the above ten years ago—in 1994—and that column has been read by more then 5000 people since—and, to my knowledge I do not know of any church that seriously changed these practices (and others too numerous to mention). I say this: our practice is the only true indicator of what we really believe. The truth is we do not believe “life begins at conception” and we do not believe “a fetus is an unborn child of equivalent worth as a born child.” If we believed it we‘d behave it. So once again I play the prophet’s role. And once again I’ll be ignored and dismissed. For the most part few or no evangelical church will change its practices to reflect its stated beliefs.
This is the real issue for us evangelicals to discuss. Why we are so unwilling to act in line with our stated beliefs. Why is this? Where will it eventually lead? You tell me. (Again, ten years later.)
Keith Drury 1994, (and now again in 2004)
(I’ll keep nagging the church even though ignored.)
Of course we know the real answer to Keith Drury's question is no. I asked these questions earlier to make the same point.
- Should women who miscarry be charged with involuntary manslaughter? What if they did something like trip because they weren't be careful, negligent homicide?
- If life starts at fertilization then what should we do about all these couples carelessly having sex 9 or days after ovulation. According to NHS these are the implementation failure rates for the average women in days after ovulation:
- 3% by day 9
- 26% on day 10
- 52% on day 11
- 86% on day 12 or more
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
King James Onlyism Interview (Concluding points, part 4)
Even in the most conservative version around the ESV you drop the notion of word for word preservation:Saul was . . .[a] years old when he began to reign, and he reigned . . . and two[b] years over Israel.a. 1 Samuel 13:1 The number is lacking in Hebrew and Septuagintb. 1 Samuel 13:1 Two may not be the entire number; something may have dropped out
The following short list is just a sampling of the divergent and confusing readings found among the contradictory modern bible versions. There are numerous other examples. Among these “details” are whether Jeremiah 27:1 reads Jehoiakim (Hebrew texts, RV,ASV, NKJV, KJB) or Zedekiah (NIV, NASB); whether 2 Samuel 21:8 reads Michal (Hebrew texts, KJB,NKJV, RV,ASV) or Merab (NIV,NASB), or 70 (NASB, NKJV, RV, ASV,KJB) being sent out by the Lord Jesus in Luke 10:1 or 72 (NIV), or the 7th day in Judges 14:15 (KJB, NKJV, RV, ASV) or the 4th day (NASB, NIV), or God smiting 50,070 men in 1 Samuel 6:19 (KJB, RV,ASV,NASB) or 70 men slain (NIV, RSV), or there being 30,000 chariots in 1 Samuel 13:5 (KJB, NKJV, RV, ASV, NASB, ESV) or only 3000 (NIV, & Holman), or 1 Samuel 13:1 reading - ONE/TWO years (NKJV, KJB, Geneva,Judaica Press Tanach), or 40/32 (NASB 1972-77) or 30/42 (NASB 1995, NIV), or _____years and.______and two years (RSV, ESV), or even “32 years old...reigned for 22 years” in the 1989 Revised English Bible!; 2 Samuel 15:7 “forty years” (Hebrew, Geneva, NKJV, NASB, RV) OR “four years” (NIV,RSV, ESV,NET), or whether both 2 Samuel 23:18 and 1 Chronicles 11:20 read THREE (Hebrew texts, RV, ASV, NKJV, NIV, NET, Holman or THIRTY from the Syriac NASB, RSV, ESV), or 2 Samuel 24:13 reading SEVEN years (Hebrew, ASV, NASB, NKJV) or THREE years (LXX, NIV, RSV, ESV) or the fine linen being the “righteousness” of saints or the fine linen being the “righteous acts” of the saints in Revelation 19:8, or where 2 Chronicles 36:9 reads that Jehoiachin was 8 years old when he began to reign (Hebrew texts, NASB, NKJV, RV,ASV,KJB, ESV) or he was 18 years old (NIV), or that when God raised the Lord Jesus from the dead it is stated in Acts 13:33 “this day have I begotten thee” (KJB, NASB, NKJV,RV, ESV) or “today I have become your Father” (NIV).
- sola scriptura
- priesthood of the believer / perspicuity of scripture
- historical accuracy
- There was a historic church founded by Jesus
- This church has existed through the centuries as the primary Christian church
- This church has remained perfectly faithful to the gospel, i.e. taught perfect faith and morals
- Be unfaithful to history and support the Catholic myth?
- Believe that some other church is the faithful remnant, the traditional Baptist position or the Mormon position.?
- Or believe that god did not in fact provide a perfect church and man has to decide?